eSentire | Explainer

An Explainer for the cybersecurity company eSentire.

The Client

Cloud in the sky approached me to help create a 3D Explainer video for the cybersecurity company eSentire.

The Request

Cloud in the sky approached me to help lead in animation on a brand video for eSentire. After a collaborative pre-production phase with Cloud in the sky and eSentire, we ultimately landed on a 3D visualization of their services, technology, and brand mission.

The process

After the pre-production meeting with Cloud in the sky, I set out on concept development and began designing the Storyboard and flow for the video. Working closely with Cloud in the sky, we landed in a solid direction, and I started the modelling and scene setup.

The animation was primarily handled by myself with input from Cloud in the sky.




Cloud in the Sky


3D Animation, Motion Design


Concepts / Studio
Cloud in the Sky, Bradley Doyle

2D Animation
Jesse Mann

3D Animation
Bradley Doyle, Skyler Michaels

Lighting / Texturing
Skyler Michaels

Sound Design
Hayden McGowan

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